Sunday, September 25, 2011

Add Sister Mary Olga to the Entertaining List of Unforgettable Nuns

What do you think of when you hear the words comedy, laughter, and a Catholic nun?

As hilarious as that sounds, this isn’t a whole new concept. There have been a few unforgettable nuns over the past several decades. In fact, actress Sally Field starred in a classic television series “The Flying Nun” between 1967 – 1970 as a novice nun in the Daughters of Charity Convent. This fun storyline revolves around her flying ability when she needed to solve a problem that came her way by catching a passing breeze.

There isn't any flying involved in the novel "The Misadventures of Sister Mary Olga Fortitude", but there’s a generous amount of smiles, giggles, and laughs. Bourbon swigging and Marlboro inhaling Sister Mary Olga prefers the more direct method of counseling her Advance Holiness students and parishioners.

Life is never boring in the small town of Bucksnort, Wisconsin. Sister Mary Olga has many messages to convey to you about life. Along the way, there are more of her misadventures that’s guaranteed to make you laugh with joy and lighten your day. She makes sure that there are a few life lessons sprinkled in there too for good measure.

Sister Mary had this to say recently:

“I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, but I’ve had a number of parishioners come to me looking for advice. Let’s just say that, in each case, these parishioners have unburdened their souls in much the same manner that one would do during a Holy confession. The only difference is that I’m not bound by the seal of the confessional. With that said, I’m sure that the Lord won’t mind if I tell you some of their stories in order to provide you with the spiritual instruction and illumination.”

Sister Mary Olga didn’t have to receive her Almighty instructions by way of flying either!

Find out more insight from Sister Mary Olga and the wacky town of Bucksnort by picking up a copy of 'The Misadventures of Sister Mary Olga Fortitude" (Book 1 of the Series) and "Babes in Bucksnort" (Book 2 of the Series).........Working on 3rd part of the series as I type.

Author Davis Aujourd'hui

Both of the series are available in Paperback for $13.95 or Kindle format for $3.99 at Amazon.
Hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave a review on Amazon or a comment on my blog!

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